TAU post event form

This form is for program coordinators and event organisers to quickly upload program/event information, photos and/or videos. This information will be used for reporting purposes and promotion opportunities.

TAU programs



Coordinator information


Program or event information

Type of program or event
Please indicate how the program or event was held.
Participating schools section
School entry choice

You can add multiple participating schools individually on this form or upload an excel spreadsheet with multiple school details.

I want to enter participating schools on this form.
I want to upload an Excel file with participating school details.
School name Student participants ATSI CALD Disability
Please use this template to enter your data. Post event form spreadsheet (XLSX 14.21 KB)
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: xls, xlsx.

Art education outcomes

What was the first priority Art Education Outcome the program or event addressed.
What was the second priority Art Education Outcome the program or event addressed.

Program or event data

Program or event participants
Indicate zero if this does not apply.
Indicate zero if this does not apply.


This may be included in social media posts or other promotional material. Ensure all permissions to publish are valid.
Any comments or quotes given that may assist with promotion? (Note: the name of the person quoted is required)
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.